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World Domination in West Chester
2 part question.if you took over the world, where would your headquarters be? Also can I be head of security?
World Domination in West Chester, The question is not if...but WHEN I take over the world I will probably locate my headquarters in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Let's be honest, practically everyone would rather die than have to go to that place. And as far as you being the head of security goes, I think I would need to host a 30 man Battle Royale to answer that question. If you win, you are in. If not, you have to spend the weekend in Scranton.
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from mikeyz kid xD
ok hey drew
who would u rather give a wedgy 2?
a crazy asian dude or ---->
a drunk american
Mikeyz kid xD, I would much rather give a wedgie to the crazy Asian dude. In my experience, every time I have touched a drunk American's underwear it has ended in some kind of crazy drunken orgy. In fact, that is how I earned my first badge in the Little Badger Scouts club...the Badgermaster really seemed to like me.
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